I spend a lot of time setting up the thing, and I lose stamina when it comes time to do It. For example, I have spent so long trying to make this website do what I want it to do, and then halfway through, I gave up on that and decided I want to make little videos with the fun stock footage you can find on Internet Archive. My room is so messy. I went to see the Haikyuu movie alone today. My friend who introduced me to the show doesn't want to talk about it because her relationship to it has changed, and now it makes her sad to think about. I, on the other hand, have a great, albeit shallow, relationship to the show. The movie was amazing. I maybe want to go see it again. I sat in the parking lot after debating whether I should get fast food. I came home and baked brownies, instead. I haven't eaten dinner, and I very well may skip it and eat another brownie. I am breaking out so badly, probably because I started taking some vitamins again. Or maybe it was the greasy ass, gross ass burrito I bought for lunch the other day. I have half baked ideas of going to grad school in some capacity. As it turns out, my grades during senior year when I was pretty sure they were the absolute worst, weren't that bad. I got a D that drags the whole report card down-- but A's and B's across the board otherwise. Does that count as doing good? Maybe I should just play Stardew Valley and make another DJ mix.